We definitely want to do our best in getting most of our nutrients in via regular food but…. We are tired. We are busy. And sometimes we just wanna take the easy way. That’s fine. This time in our life, we have so much going on- it is totally ok to supplement with some of… Read more
You are NOT ALONE if you are struggling with not getting enough sleep!! Over 50% of menopausal women have trouble sleeping. Since our sleep-wake cycles regulate almost all our body processes, poor sleep is the biggest challenge that contributes to many other negative experiences during menopausal years. Sleep challenges can include trouble falling asleep, not… Read more
What is happening to me?
On those days when you are feeling out of control during this transition- you may be wondering what the heck is happening? We reach a certain age and Mother Nature orders a shift of our physical functions. Our reproductive hormones that affect EVERY physiological structure in our body in some way essentially get slowly turned… Read more
Managing Menopause MISSION
“The Managing Menopause Program has a mission to help women find themselves again in a way that will support this changing stage of life and the experiences that come along with it.” Read more